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CRSD Parent and Family Engagement (PFE) Policy SY22

School Parental Involvement Policy 2021-22

A strong partnership between the school and home is essential if a quality educational program is to be provided to all students. W.R. Brown Elementary is dedicated to the philosophy that parent involvement is integral to the success of each child.

Parent Involvement means the participation of parents/caregivers in regular, two-way meaningful communication to ensure:

• parents/caregivers play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning;
• parents/caregivers are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school; • parents/caregivers are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate,

in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child.

We view parents as joint policy and decision-makers and plan to emphasize their roles as advocates for children. Parents are encouraged to provide input in making our school the best it can be through a yearly review of our policy. If you have any questions, please call our school at 302-697-2101.


Brown Elementary’s Excellence in Parental Involvement

With both school and parent input, the following activities were planned and will be implemented to promote parental involvement and additional support for student learning:

1. W. R. Brown Elementary will incorporate the School Parent Compact as a component of its School Parental Involvement Policy. The compact will be disseminated in the Wednesday envelope at the beginning of each school year. Any events occurring at school involve Epstein’s (2002) six steps of parent involvement in children’s education: parenting (caring for and nurturing the child); communicating (maintaining a flow of information between parent and school); volunteering (helping at the school); learning at home (supporting and supplementing the instruction of the school); decision making (being a part of the school’s decision-making structure); and collaboration with the community (representing the school in partnerships with other organizations).

  1. W. R. Brown Elementary will provide assistance to parents in understanding topics such as the State’s academic content standards, student academic achievement standards, the State and local academic assessments including alternate assessments, how to monitor their child’s progress, and how to work with educators through:

    • ●  Open House

    • ●  Monthly PTO Meetings

    • ●  Achievement Liaison Teacher – Mrs. Cherie Bergold is an educator who serves as a liaison for parent involvement, teacher quality, and student achievement. She can be reached by calling the school or via e-mail at

  2. W. R. Brown Elementary will provide materials and training to help parents work with their children to improve their children’s academic achievement, such as literacy training, and using technology, as appropriate, to foster parental involvement, by:

    • ●  Open house

    • ●  Parent/Teacher and Student Lead Conferences held on district scheduled days and/or made by appointment to meet with teachers to discuss student progress and support. W. R. Brown encourages the student to come to school with the parent for a conference. Our students are involved in tracking their own formative assessment progress. This enables them to see where they are going in the learning process while understanding their own strengths and challenges and areas of improvement. This approach with parent involvement helps all parties understand the gaps of learning and how working together collaboratively can improve achievement for the child, parent and teacher.

    • ●  Sending home approved flyers daily to share local activities promoting parental accountability.

    • ●  Monthly Newsletters

  3. W. R. Brown Elementary will, to the extent feasible and appropriate, coordinate and integrate parental involvement strategies in Part A with parental involvement strategies under other programs such as Head Start and the Parent Information Center of Delaware as well as to conduct other activities, such as parent resource centers, that encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children by:

    ● Collaborating with community organizations for parental support such as Delaware Food Bank, Delaware Department of Transportation, United Health Care, Nemours, New Behavioral Network, Artisan’s Bank (Bank at School) and the University of Delaware.

  • ●  Development of a Family Involvement Team (FIT). Involving more teachers, parents and community leaders to become stakeholders in our family engagement mission.

  • ●  Disseminate approved materials from parenting organizations.

  • ●  Invite parent organizations to display materials and answer questions at school family nights.

  • ●  Share links to local parent support organizations on school website.

  • ●  Disseminate information through current research and parent/child magazines.

5. W. R. Brown Elementary will provide information on roles, volunteer opportunities (volunteering information packets in the office), and activities parents can engage in to increase their involvement and support for learning:

  • ●  Families Meet Families Day

  • ●  Mentoring

  • ●  Teacher Assistance

  • ●  Culture Festival (Drive-Thru)

  • ●  National Walk To School Day

  • ●  Monster Math Madness Night (Drive-Thru)

  • ●  Leader In Me Day/ Family Picnic/Bring a Leader to Breakfast

  • ●  I Love To Read Month

  • ●  Book Fair Helpers

  • ●  Library Assistant

  • ●  Chorus/Band Concerts

  • ●  Field Day Volunteer

  • ●  Parent/Teacher Organizations

  • ●  Field Trips

  • ●  Gifted Enrichment Education Program (GEEP)

  • ●  Odyssey of the Mind Club

  • ●  Art Fair

  • ●  Market Day

  • ●  Community Garden

  • ●  Brown Movie Night, Dance-A-Thon, Penguin Prom Spring Dance, Skate Nights, Santa’s Shop, and Paint Night. (As COVID regulations allow)

  1. W. R. Brown Elementary will take the following actions to ensure that information related to the school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities, is sent to the parents in an understandable and uniform format, including alternative formats upon request, and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand through:

    • ●  Daily communication written in student agenda books.

    • ●  W. R. Brown Elementary has a website with school information as well as teacher links.

    • ●  Home Access Center is available to parents 24 hours a day to give parents/caregivers access to their student’s schedule, attendance, assigned class work, grades, and grades. A personal password may be obtained through the school to be used on any computer equipped with internet access. Any questions regarding getting Home Access please email Amanda Alley at Email links are available throughout the center so parents can communicate easily with teachers and school officials.

    • ●  The district calendar and marquee in front of the school will promote parent meetings and seminars.

    • ●  Global Connect phone calls allow the school and district to send messages across the phone system. It is the parents’/caregivers’ responsibility to keep phone numbers updated with the school’s main office.

    • ●  Student academic progress is communicated regularly through interim reports and report cards.

  2. W. R. Brown Elementary, with the involvement of parents, will conduct an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of this parent involvement policy and School-Parent Compact. The evaluation will include identifying barriers to greater participation by parents in parental involvement activities. W. R. Brown Elementary will use the findings of the evaluation to design strategies for more effective involvement, and to revise, if necessary its parental involvement policy. This evaluation will be accomplished by:

    • ●  Sending home copies of School Parental Involvement Policy and School-Parent Compact for comment

    • ●  Current and ongoing family needs assessment surveys

  • ●  Inviting parents to serve on the School Success Plan Committees and other school decision-making conferences

  • ●  Parent Surveys

  • ●  Home Visits

  • ●  Phone Calls

  • ●  Email

  • ●  Suggestion Box

    Parents may request a copy of the District Parental Involvement Policy through the school’s main office or access the policy via the Caesar Rodney Instruction Division’s website at